Saturday, August 31, 2019

Anorexia Nervosa cannot be satisfactorily accounted for by any single model of abnormality

Anorexia is a condition disputed by psychologists in attempts to find a cause for the problem. Anorexia is when an individual chooses to emaciate themselves in order to be thin. There are two main types of reasoning behind such behaviour. The biological and psychological explanation. Of course, there are many forms of branched out explanations within these, and the two of which that I shall be exploring are the genetic justification (in terms of biological) and the behaviourist approach, for the psychological relation. Biological psychologists believe that human behaviour and what makes us do what we do, is all down to genes. With the new advance in recent science, genes are becoming a more popular reasoning to many psychological issues. Anorexia nervosa for one. The genetic approach proclaims that the cause for anorexia is to do with genes: i.e. the genetic and inherited factors we have within our relations. The idea is that should one family member suffer from an eating disorder, then there is a higher chance that another family member (preferably those who share the same, or like genes) would contract an eating, or another obsessive-compulsive disorder. Holland et al, a group of psychologists, lead a study on the genetic link of anorexia nervosa in 1984. They perused a sample of 34 pairs of twins and one set of triplets, where at least one twin in each pair suffered from anorexia. They found a higher concordance rate of 55% for the 16 monozygotic twins (who share 100% of the same genes) than for the 14 pairs of dizygotic twins, (who share 50% of the same genes) with a concordance rate of only 7%. The results, in imprecise terms, suggested that there was a genetic link between family members suffering from anorexia nervosa. But on closer examination of the study, we can find many other reasons, which may not be genetic, for these findings. For example, the sample amount was very small. This is a major flaw in any experiment, as the sample size often needs to a representative size, which can be extended to the whole of society, but 35 pairs of twins is an extremely small amount. Furthermore, the environmental influences were not considered in this experiment, and so the higher concordance rates for the monozygotic twins could be because they are treated more alike than the dizygotic twins. This is part of behaviourism of which I shall study later on. In terms of reasonability, the genetic link between family members suffering from anorexia seems to be weak. Though it can be part of the reason or perhaps only accurate for only a very few, it cannot be wholly responsible for everyone who suffers from this eating disorder. A problem with this reasoning as being the â€Å"answer† is that there is then no blame of self. Because the condition is ‘purely' biological, the individual is then rendered hopeless and vulnerable to the disorder, as they are not in control of what is in their genes. It can also provide an ‘excuse' so that the subject is unable, or unwilling to become better. Psychologically, behaviourists look at how the environment and outside influences have shaped and created an individual. Predominantly in western cultures, the size of â€Å"beauty† in terms of celebrity and media has dramatically decreased in the last couple of decades. Marilyn Monroe, said to be one of the most beautiful woman of the time was a dress size 14. As the years gone by, we find that the dress size of â€Å"beauty† has gone down, and now, catwalk models are size 8's and lower. It seems that the more rich and advanced we become, the higher our standards are, for skinnier people. The media is a major factor in influencing the ordinary people of our society. Behaviourists believe that this is one of the main causes for people (particularly those with lower self-esteem) to develop eating disorders, in order to become more like the person in the magazine. Because of this, people are often seen as ‘beautiful' when they are thin. This puts pressure on people who perhaps may have been teased and felt self-conscious about their self-image. Once the individual begins to lose weight, it is often found that the criticism stops, and compliments are received in its place. This can then become a habit, and is known as â€Å"Classical conditioning†. They learn to associate being thin with feeling good about themselves. â€Å"Operant conditioning† happens when the praise and admiration from others reinforces their eating habits and causes them to want to lose more weight. This form of explanation is very logical in certain aspects, but there are a few things that, should this theory be true, does not correspond appropriately. For example, once the sufferer begins to lose too much weight and is then the cause for concern, why is it that once the compliments stop, the sufferer still desires to lose weight? The compliments were associated to feeling good and losing weight. The compliments are no longer there, and so one would assume the feeling good should have dissolved, and due to operant conditioning, the sufferer would learn to break the habit. It is true that operant does sometimes work on promoting weight gain in some people, by if this concept was accurate, then why doesn't everyone with anorexia respond in the same way? â€Å"Anorexia Nervosa cannot be satisfactorily accounted for by any single model of abnormality† It is true that anorexia cannot be the result of one cause, as we have looked at two versions of reasoning behind the condition and both explanations still leave gaps where logic or situation does not fit. Each explanation gives a valid justification to anorexia, but the problem still cannot be solved by one account of psychology. The answer may be that it is a mixture of perhaps several models of abnormality, but the fact is that anorexia nervosa is too complex and too different in every case to be the epitome of one explanation.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Proposal: West Parking

Contents Introduction2 Problem2 Objectives3 Solution4 Doing Nothing4 Installing extra traffic lights4 Hiring an extra parking staff to coordinate traffic congestion5 Improving North and West Parking5 Methods6 Cost8 Benefits9 Conclusion10 References10 Introduction We propose to expand the West and North parking lots of the UAA main campus to greatly reduce traffic congestion, to save time for students and staff, and to help decrease automobile accidents. Problem The UAA main campus is a commuter to more than 15, 000 students (Common data from UAA).The countless number of vehicles commuting to and from campus creates traffic congestions and is desperately in need of more parking spaces. Lack of adequate parking space for students and staff have negative impacts: * Road rage. The survey given in 2008 to UAA students reported that frustration due to congested traffic resulted in unsafe driving practices. Much could have been prevented if there were enough parking spaces for the vehicles that enter campus parking. * Tardiness.Delays due to finding parking space are direct consequence of students and staff being late for classes. Estimated time to find parking space may take up to 20 minutes (2008-UAA student’s survey). People usually experience high stress level due to frustration of finding parking space. Tardiness may have a direct effect on students’ performance in classes (University of Washington MDJ). * Unauthorized use of parking. UAA students admitted to have used Providence Hospital, and Goose Lake parking due to lack of adequate parking spots on campus.This unauthorized use of parking is taking away the spots reserved for the hospital’s patient, and those reserved for recreational use in the park. * Outrageous Parking Fees. The unanimous survey in 2008 for students showed concern over increased parking fees every semester, yet still not enough parking available. This is a â€Å"hot† topic next to book prices and spiking tuition. Student’s complaints are justified that if UAA is going to charge more for parking, then more parking spaces will also be required from the university. * ER access.Traffic created by students and staff vehicles at the main campus has negative impact for hospital emergencies vehicles. UAA main campus is located across the Providence Hospital, and interfering with littering the Providence Drive with students and staff vehicles may be critical of saving someone’s life where minutes or even seconds are critical to one’s well being. * Road safety. Students have reported and are concern about the pedestrian safety once they park the vehicles (2008 survey). There is no pedestrian pathway from the North and West Parking to campus buildings; walking is on the road.Concerns are mostly in wintertime, (fall and spring semesters) where icy and snowy roads, and poor visibility is a road hazard to moving vehicles and pedestrians. * Vehicle accidents. Department of Transportat ions (DOT) ranks the Providence Drive in top five of hazardous locations. The proximity of UAA and Hospital at Providence Drive and congested traffic at this area is responsible for high amount of automobile accidents (according to US. DOT –Federal Highway Administration). Objectives To create a solution for improved parking at UAA and traffic congestion problems issues must: 1.Include a solid development plan that would benefit students, staff, and the UAA. The students and staff would greatly appreciate adequate parking spaces for their vehicle. UAA would positively gain revenue from parking fees. 2. Ensure that parking construction is developed on time and that students attending the following semester are not interrupted with constructions issues. 3. Ensure that pedestrians’ pathways are easily accessible from parking, thus greatly reducing chance of someone being hit by a vehicle. 4. Avoid new traffic congestions on Providence Drive due to parking construction.Sol ution There are several potential solutions to the problems outlined earlier in the proposal. These solutions are: * Doing nothing * Installing extra traffic lights * Hiring an extra parking staff to coordinate traffic congestion * Improving North and West Parking Doing Nothing This is the least effective solution to the existing problem. By doing nothing, we cannot improve parking issues desperately sought by many students and staffs. The use of unauthorized parking in the property of Providence Hospital and Goose Lake will likely continue.Road rage will likely occur as it has. Issues of tardiness will continue if we do not take appropriate steps to solve it. By doing nothing we will not help to solve automobile accidents, impact road safety, or help with ER access (2008 survey, DOT). Installing extra traffic lights This next possible solution is to install extra traffic lights. This measure of safety and coordination of traffic would add benefit t a more regulated traffic flow, an d improve the safety of the pedestrian’s crosswalks. According to Municipality of Anchorage (M. O.A), Traffic Department, Lance Wilber, said that the cost of installing traffic lights may be well over $700,000 per cross-section, depending on the location and construction plans involved. This solution seems ineffective because it does not solve the pedestrians’ safety concerns over the crossing from the parking area to the campus buildings, nor solve the lack of available parking space. This solution contributes to solving some traffic congestion at campus, but better solution is needed. In addition, M. O. A advised against installation of new traffic lights since there are already five in place at the Providence Drive.Hiring an extra parking staff to coordinate traffic congestion Hiring an extra parking staff could be a reasonable solution for traffic congestion at campus. This solution requires hiring of twelve individuals for North and West Parking, for coordinating traffic at the busiest time: mornings and late afternoon. The vehicles entering campus would be guided to available parking and pedestrians’ safety could be looked after. According to Parking Services, estimated cost for an extra staff and equipment on annual basis would amount to over half a million dollars.However, this would not help eliminate vehicle traffic at Providence Drive; in fact, traffic congestion would likely be worse than it is now. Parking Services, advised against hiring an extra staff to help coordinate traffic due to lack of budget. Improving North and West Parking The best solution to the problems outlined earlier in the proposal is to improve the largest parking on main campus, which is the North, and West Parking. These hold the largest accommodation of parking lots, and are easily accessible from: Providence Drive, Lake Otis Parkway, and UAA Drive-Mallard Lane.For its convenience of being accessible to the main campus and having close proximity to 13-UA A buildings, and short walking distance to other facilities, the North and West Parking is the best candidate and that needs improvement. The advantage to this solution is that it would double the available parking spaces. By creating more space, vehicles would move faster to and from campus creating less congestion on busy Providence Drive. Improvement to existing parking would add walkways to help cross over going to the campus, thus greatly improving road safety for both: the vehicles and pedestrians.Vehicle accidents, road rage, and ER access would be improved since the congestion on Providence Drive would be minimized. This solution would favorably affect the issues with tardiness and positively solve the unauthorized use of parking at Providence Hospital and Goose Lake. The cost of this project is approximately set at 2 million dollars per parking, according to Chris Nowak at Affordable Construction, and Stan Vanover-UAA Project Manager. While this may seem expensive at first glance, it is the best solution for improvement.A solution with traffic lights and hiring extra staff to control traffic congestion does not adequately address solving the problems. The only cheaper solution to improving parking is to do nothing. However, this solution though saves money does not solve the students and staff issues, or traffic congestion, and will actually create more problems and complications in the future. The benefit for UAA for this project is that it would recover accumulated expenses from parking fees over 5-7 years (Parking Services), at the same time will solve the outlined problems.This solution is the answer to the described problems, and is reasonably cost effective. Methods Description of Project This project requires adding one more level to existing floor plan, example: airport-parking style, without roof, with ramp access to another level. Second level would have connecting stairs and or elevator to first floor. The pedestrians’ pathways would be implemented between diagonal parked vehicles for safe crossing. Easily accessible ramps would be used by snow removing vehicles during wintertime; the first floor would be snow free.This project will ensure improvement in parking—double the available space, pedestrians and vehicles safety, and would reduce traffic congestion at Providence Drive due to faster rotation of moving vehicles. Pictures of North and West Parking. Note the hazardous road condition and lack of pedestrians’ walkways | | | PARTIAL UAA CAMPUS MAP(arrows point to proposed project area)| Sample pictures of 2-story parking garage with access ramps. | Cost The cost for this project has been estimated at 2 million for the North Parking, and 2, 2 million for the West Parking according to Affordable Construction.These costs include planning, materials, and labor. The planning include the cost of design, surveying, and appropriate permits for the city of Anchorage building code. The materials and labor include the cost of all construction materials and labor needed to complete the project (including 4 elevators if needed). This estimate may change due to prices fluctuation for material or labor cost. Estimate is fairly set as of November 27, 2009. The estimator predicted the low of 4 million dollars to as high as 5, 2 million dollars for this project.Significant amount of money could be saved for material if ordered early in the year from lower 48, and shipped directly. Table 1. Cost Analysis Project| Cost| Total amount| North Parking| Planning $48000Materials $1280000Labor $672000| $ 2,000. 000| West Parking| Planning $ 51000Materials $1410000Labor $739000| $ 2,200. 000| Contingency Fund| | $ 1,000. 000| | Grand total| $ 5,200. 000| Contingency Fund is set to a million dollars for the high end of the project. Ensuring early material ordering will significantly reduce this expense.Time required and Schedule for Project Completion Planning of project can begin early January 2010. The actual construction should start early May— at the end of spring semester—to ensure completion by the end of August, right on time when the fall semester begins. Construction project should take 110-120 days, ensuring as little as possible interruption with students vehicle traffic. The impact on the construction and students should be minimal as fewer students attending UAA during summer. To better illustrate time allotted for the construction, please refer to Table 2.Information for the time and construction was provided by Stan Vanover, Sr. Project Manager, for Construction at UAA. Table 2. Construction & Planning Project| Task| Time allotted in days| Schedule| North & West Parking Improvement| Planning beginsContractors BidsConstruction begins| 4045110| 01/4/201002/20/201005/10/2010| | Project Completion| | 08/30/2010| Benefits Reasonable cost, attracting revenues * Cost for this project is fairly priced according to UAA Project Manager. UAA will collect for pa rking fees and multiply revenues. Traffic congestion alleviated * Improved parking will double available space.This would mean less traffic at the Providence Drive, and smoother vehicle transition to and from campus. Pedestrians and vehicle safety improved * Walkways for pedestrians inside the campus will increase safety. Road hazards, such as the snow and ice would be eliminated on the first floor of parking, thus enhancing pedestrians and motorists safety. Conclusion Despite our economic downturn, colleges in the United States reporting increase in attendance and ever-rising tuition fees. UAA is a home to more than 15 000 students annually; in 2009 UAA reported over 1000 students more than previous year in attendance.We believe that proposed solution to parking improvement is an excellent way to reduce traffic congestion, pedestrians, and motorists’ safety, and provide adequate parking spaces. We look forward to making UAA a safer, well-developed campus. If there are any qu estions you may have, please contact us at your convenience. References 2008 survey, Campus Commuters Statistics can be found at: http://www. uaa. alaska. edu/opra/upload/Common-Data-Set-2008 Department of Transportation, vehicle accidents statistics can be found at: http://safety. fhwa. dot. gov/hsip/fivepercent/2008/08ak. htmUAA Parking Services comments can be found at: http://www. uaa. alaska. edu/parking/, 907. 786. 1119 Lance Wilber, Municipality of Anchorage, information on traffic lights can be found at: http://www. muni. org/Departments/traffic/engineering/Pages/Signals. aspx Information on cost analysis, construction, and planning for the project can be found from: Stan Vanover, Senior Project Manager UAA, Department of Facilities, Planning, and Construction Information on project cost estimate can be found from: Affordable Construction, Chris Nowak, 907. 245. 5722, 20907 Turnagain St, Anchorage

Facebook: Friend or Foe? Essay

On September 7, 2012, Amanda Todd posted a 9-minute YouTube video entitled â€Å"My Story: Struggling, Bullying, Suicide and Self Harm,† which showed her using flash cards to reveal her experiences of being bullied. During the video, Amanda writes that when she was in seventh grade, she once used video chat to meet new people over the Internet and soon began receiving compliments on her looks. A stranger convinced Amanda to flash her breasts on camera. The stranger later blackmailed her with threats to expose the topless photo to her friends unless she gave a â€Å"show†. She refused. She would never make that mistake again. Amanda Todd wrote that during the next Christmas break, police informed her at four am that the photo was circulating the Internet. Amanda wrote that she experienced anxiety, depression, and panic disorder because of this. Her family moved to a new home, where she later stated that she began using drugs and alcohol. A year later, the stranger had reappeared, creating a Facebook profile which used the topless photograph as the profile image, and contacting classmates at her new school. Once again she was being bullied, eventually causing her to change schools for the second time. With more bullying and an actual attack, she attempted suicide by drinking bleach, but was rushed to hospital to have her stomach pumped. After returning home, Amanda discovered abusive messages about her failed suicide attempt posted to Facebook. Once again, her family moved to another city to start fresh, but Todd was unable to escape Facebook and her first unfortunate error. Six months later further messages and abuse were still being posted to social networking sites. She started to get worse, and began cutting herself. Despite taking anti-depressants and receiving counseling, she overdosed and spent two days in the hospital. She was teased by other students at her school for her low grades, and the time she spent in the hospital to treat her severe depression. On October 10, 2012 at about six PM, Amanda Todd hung herself at home. So is Facebook a friend or a foe? Teens often don’t realize that bullying over the computer is the same as bullying in person. The harmless â€Å"joke† can be taken much, much worse because of the huge audience and the unclear tone of Facebook posts. Although Facebook can be a good source for meeting friends, spreading information, and changing peoples opinions, it can also be very harmful. Facebook can encourage cyber-bullying, make people become anti-social, and distract people from finishing other tasks. On the positive side, Facebook is another way for people to connect with new friends, old friends, and family. According to the pro and cons website on social networking, seventy percent of adult social networking users visit the site to connect with friends and family. Fifty-two percent of teens say that using social media has helped improve their relationships with friends and eighty-eight percent believe that social media have helped them stay connected with friends they can not see regularly. Despite the fact that Facebook and social media sites have many positive sides, it has its bad sides as well. Facebook users are starting to get more and more addicted each day. According to an article from WebMD, in a 2009 survey of 1,030 parents, Rosen and colleagues found out that children and teens had spent more time engaged in media (online and offline) had more anxiety, more stomachaches, and more sick days from school. In teens, the time spent playing video games also led to poorer health. In another ongoing survey of teens and adults, Rosen found that spending more time than average on Facebook was associated with signs of narcissism, anxiety, and bipolar disorder on a standard psychological test. In another 2011 study, 279 middle school, high school, and university students lost focus for an average of three minutes for every fifteen minutes spent studying or doing another task. Checking Facebook just once during the fifteen minute period was associated with lower grades. Not only does Facebook cause lower grades, it also can ruin someones self-esteem. Facebook users feel as if they need to know if something important is happening, and by doing their work, they feel like they might miss out on something big. The New York Times released an article in April of 2011 that talked about FOMO, which stands for â€Å"the fear of missing out.† This mostly occurs when seeing Facebook statuses and photos posted by friends, questioning the event, wondering â€Å"Why wasn’t I there?† or â€Å"How come I didn’t know this was happening?† Sometimes it’s not just a specific event that throws us off, but just scrolling through a friends profile and noticing how much â€Å"better† his or her life appears. Facebook adds negative social comparisons and FOMO, which puts a sense of regret and a heavy weight on self-esteem. As social networking sites become more and more popular, its users have expanded from teens to young adults, to even people over fifty. As you can see with Amanda Todd’s story, many people use social networking sites for the wrong reasons. People can be whoever they want to be, but some do use it for the right reasons, as for example connecting with family they haven’t seen in a while, or catching up with long-distance friends. Is Facebook a place where people can connect and have conversations about things that truly matter to them? Is it a place where you can express yourself without fear of judgement? Or is it a place for status updates that aren’t true, photoshopped profile pictures, and cyber-bullying disguised as humor? So what do you think? Is Facebook a friend or a foe?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Business writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business writing - Assignment Example Considering the volume of our consumption, the savings from a lowered fuel cost would surely enhance your bottom line. Conversion is also relatively easy because the conversion kit is readily available and can be easily installed. The conversion cost is minimal which can easily be defrayed by the savings in gas. In addition, the carbon emission of a CNG powered bus is way lower than fossil based fuel thus enabling us to not only help save the environment but also from hefty government fines of smoke belching. Currently, most buses in the United States are already on CNG due to the above mentioned advantages. Cleaning one’s bathroom can be challenge. Sometimes we are just overwhelmed on the things that needs to cleaned (sink, toilet and tub/shower) that we do not know where to start. We once tried cleaning it ourselves and it felt like it took forever just to clean it. The key to cleaning a bathroom however entails knowing what and how to clean it to be able to finish it quickly. The first step in getting it done efficiently is to remove things that do not belong in the bathroom. Things that are not supposed to be in the bathroom is what makes cleaning it seem to be a drag. One things that do not belong to the bathroom are removed (such as used shirt, trash, hangers, etch), it would be helpful to apply disinfectant and bleaching solution (zonrox) to the tiles, wall, faucet sink, toilet seat and its hole. This will soften the grime and the dirt which makes cleaning more efficient. Leave the disinfectant and bleach for a while. Remove the toiletries and also put disinfectant on their areas. After few minutes, scrub the wall with a cleaning detergent first (I personally prefer Tide). They are easier to scrub with soap now because the bleaching solution melted the grimes. Then the faucet sink, the cabinets and the tub. Clean the toilet bowl last so that the disinfectant and bleaching

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Fiat Currency and its Role in the Global Economy Essay

Fiat Currency and its Role in the Global Economy - Essay Example While the Bretton-Woods conference had proposed a supranational currency this idea was ignored and instead international currencies were pegged to the United States dollar. In the 1970s the United States went off the gold standard, effectively moving all world currencies to floating. There have been a number of attempts at supranational currency including the implementation of the SDR; still, there are some weaknesses to this currency, including it not effectively reflecting contemporary GDP concerns. In addition to the SDR there was the ECU, the ASU, and the African Monetary Unit; in large part these currencies are or were ineffective as a world currency for their largely regional affiliations. Recognizing the inefficiency of these currency units the WDX Organisation Limited was established to develop a more effective world currency. Incorporating modern risk theory, mathematics, and real-time technology infrastructure this organization developed the Wocu. In addition, the Wocu a ma jor innovative aspect of the Wocu is that it implements a research-based algorithm that is unknown to outside sources. b) Specification of thesis – main point The main thesis is that the Wocu is both effective and necessary as a world currency in response to the current fiat model. ... This will allay concerns with the dollar as the world currency, allow countries to have their own monetary policy, and reduce the need for foreign currency reserves. Additionally, it will have benefits to corporate treasurer; these include reducing currency risk and hedging against volatility, as well as advantages in pricing sales and purchasing, settling transaction, risk management, and raising capital. c) Three supporting opinions/reasons There are a number of supporting perspectives on implementing a world currency. Perhaps the central thorough-put in these supportive arguments is the notion that the use of fiat currencies creates a currency environment subject to political manipulation and volatility. One such consideration has emerged from the United States Economic Report. This report indicates that the European Sovereign Debt Crisis has had an immediate impact on United States monetary policy ("Economic policy: Country," 2010). The report indicates that, â€Å"The ripple ef fects from the euro area’s public debt crisis have led market participants to expect a later start of rate hikes ("Economic policy: Country," 2010, pg. 12). While not necessarily negative, such an impact could conceivably be avoided through a world currency. While this report demonstrates the direct impact of fiat currency, other research has argued for much more profound implications. Ghosh, Roy & Bandyopadhyay (2011) quantitatively examined various elements that directly contributed to volatility in the Indian stock market. Their research revealed that currency volatility – a direct result of fiat money – had a significant impact on stock valuation. Al-Shibli (2011) goes as far as to argue that in abandoning Bretton-Woods and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Growing Importance of India For Investors (ie, India is the next Essay

Growing Importance of India For Investors (ie, India is the next China) - Essay Example The economic reforms introduced in early 1990s have boosted the economy’s growth. Tariff barriers were brought down. Foreign players could enter and thus the private firms had to compete with the best. Exports rose up. Indian firms are rapidly becoming global like Bharti Airtel has entered African market. Unlike China, India’s growth cannot be attributed to just the public sector. There are about 45m entrepreneurs in India. India’s informal sector is also doing well. Indian businesses majorly cater to the need of their domestic consumers and also export various services. Indian firms successfully satisfy the needs of money conscious customers in India who love low priced goods. Tata Filters for example manufactures a water filter that can provide safe drinking water at a meager charge of rupees 30 a month. Indian firms are coming up with new products as well as new business models. HCL technologies improve the IT system of their clients on the condition that they will charge only if their clients gain. Moon B. Shin of LG electronics sees immense opportunity in the Indian market. They are manufacturing low priced goods and goods suited to the liking of Indians. The infrastructure in India is poor. Roads are bad and traffic conditions do not depict a rosy picture either. Power shortage is another problem. McKinsey predicts that Indian growth will be five fold in the next 20 years. India will have to spend $1.2trillion on infrastructure in future. India lacks in skilled workforce. There are only 16 Indian Institute of technology in India. Universities do not impart useful knowledge and companies have to spend a lot for their training. India’s adult literacy rate is 66% compared to 99% of China. Corruption exists everywhere. Instability in the form of Naxalite movement is affecting mining and logging firms. Populism whereby politicians discourage businesses for their own interests is a major obstruction to growth. The government is making

Monday, August 26, 2019

Leadership Style and Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadership Style and Approach - Essay Example Her type of leadership style is democratic. According to scholars and scientists, democratic leaders have certain attributes that include the senior workers in decision-making processes. Democracy facilitates creativity and brainstorming which provides ideas to the whole management process. This type of leadership enhances productivity and satisfaction of both the junior members of management and customers at large. Increase in productivity increase the rate of profit maximization in an organization. Evelyn in her case included her employees in decision-making processes. She also emphasized on workers using their recommended time with customers on the phones lines to satisfy all questions that a customer would have on their products. This type of leadership style can be explained in detail by leadership theories. There are the situational theories that explain that a leader should choose the type of leadership style that suits his/her situation. In most cases, the democratic style of leadership has been proved to obtain the best results. Team members also feel free to express their feelings in case of any new situations. For example in Evelyn’s case, she could spend time with her team members while performing their chores. In case of any problems such as fatigue or rude customers, she would support the members by team members by telling them that she was at the same situation some time but later made it in life. The functional theory explains that a leader should have contingency plans, which are used by the leaders in certain situations (Igbal 2011). Erik Rasmussen Erik Rasmussen on the other hand, has a different type of leadership style. His style consists of two styles namely people-oriented leadership and autocratic type of leadership (Daenzer 2009). He is young, bright and energetic and a no nonsense person when it comes to his areas of supervision. The people-oriented style deals with leaders who are focused in their positions at work and providin g the irrespective results. However, they may do this to the extent of some team members where decisions made by the leader are final. Erik in this case is a graduate and is expected to deliver the expected results. He does not consider the other team members in making decisions. From the case, it is clear that at some point, he deals with cost cutting strategies without considering ideas from the workers. Alternatively, this leadership style without being monitored may be taken too far by leaders who are so much focused on results rather than the welfare of workers and customers. With the autocratic style of leadership, the leaders possess most power and their decisions could be final. In Erik’s case, he seems to have all the powers and his orders are final. He does not care what the previous leaders had put in place to help boost production and profits. However, this style has some advantages such as fast and effective decision-making processes where leaders can make final decisions. On the other hand, team members do not want this type of leadership since their ideas are not included in the decision-making process (Peggy 2006). Evaluation / Judgment Evelyn Gustafson used the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The impact of social media on brand image of UK coffee shops Dissertation

The impact of social media on brand image of UK coffee shops - Dissertation Example The main objective of this dissertation has been to identify the impact of the social media sites on the brand image of coffee shops in the UK for which Starbucks has been considered as the sample brand. In order to attain the objective, this dissertation has taken into consideration a mixed approach. Furthermore, the sample size for the project is 200 respondents who were supposed to respond to online survey. Questionnaire was also prepared comprising of close-ended questions. In this regard, it has been identified that social media sites imposes a significant impact on the creation of brand image of Starbucks. Table of Contents 1 Abstract 2 Chapter 1: Introduction 5 1.1.Background of the Study 5 1.2. Scope and Objective of the Study 8 1.3 Methodological Overview 11 1.4 Structure of the Project 12 Chapter 2: Literature Review 14 2.1 The Growing Significance of Social Media in the Business Environment of UK (Coffee Retailing) 14 2.2 Contribution of Social Media in Developing Brand Im age 16 2.3 Influencing Factors Causing Impact on Inclusion of Social Media 20 2.4. Opportunity and Risks of Social Media Inclusion 25 2.5 Organisational Strategies Generally Adopted By UK Coffee Shops to Use Social Media 30 2.6. Research Gap 33 Chapter 3: Research Methodology 35 3.1 Overview 35 3.2 Research Philosophy 36 3.3 Research Design and Approach 37 3.4. Data Collection 40 3.5 Data Analysis 41 3.6 Ethical Considerations and Research Limitations 43 3.7 Expected Results 45 Chapter 4: Results and Analysis 47 4.1 Overview 47 4.2 Findings 47 4.3 Evaluation 68 Chapter Five: Conclusion and Recommendations 77 5.1 Key Findings 77 5.2 Recommendations 79 5.3 Further Research 82 References 84 Appendix A 97 Questionnaire 97 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1. Background of the Study Social media has been successful at rediscovering the association between companies, employees, suppliers as well as regulators, minimising the implementation of methods that were generally identified as quite time-c onsuming in the traditional era concerning public relations. Most of the companies are making use of the social media so that their efficiencies can be enhanced in respect to the supply chain (Lew & Fung, 2010). In the similar context, others are making use of the social media so that they can create innovative business models and develop relationships with the customers, employees, investors as well as other interested stakeholders gaining the identification of a socially responsible corporate entity. A handful of the companies are making use of the social media sites so that they can boost the morale of the employees and hence enhance efficiency in terms of communication within the organisational setting. The companies striving to strengthen their brand, customer loyalty as well as increase the market share are also making use of the social media sites (Insead, 2012). Although, social media users are basically found to belong from the young age group of the society, an increasing number of middle aged users, especially those possessing a higher level of discretionary income. It has been noted that nearly 67% of the users of the social media believe that the information rendered online imposes a significant impact on their purchasing decision. In the recent phenomenon, it has further been observed that this trend is likely to continue, majorly owing to the underlying fact that advances in technology continue to increase the impact of social media. This trend has permitted the consumers to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Standard Battles in Media Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Standard Battles in Media Industry - Essay Example This is known as interoperability, and is important for the developer as well as the consumer. As the necessity for interoperability results from widespread innovation, it also facilitates such innovation (Digital TV over Broadband, 1). Yet in today's high-technological industry, these innovators and developers are faced with challenges when adoptions of standards become imminent. The rigors of standard adoption procedures, including the very real possibility of standard wars, can place these companies in positions that force drastic action. Because of the ability of standards to affect welfare and economic development, even governmental bodies sometimes see the need to become involved in setting standard. It is therefore often the case that technology companies move in and out of technological arenas based on outcomes of these standard-establishing battles. Consumers and manufacturers take keen interest in the interoperability of technological components that perform similar or complementary functions. It is, for example, very important that appliances plug into electric socket and that pencils fit into sharpeners. This is one of the benefits of standards, and it offers a significantly large incentive for the acquisition of a product. Likewise, manufacturers pay close attention to standards when conducting research and development, as the existence of these standards often guides the direction of development and sets parameters in which such innovation can take place. Standards are capable of removing much of the risk involved in research and development, as a certain amount of certainty is conferred upon a project in the knowledge that it cannot be rejected on such grounds that are held by the standard to which it adheres. When companies are certain of a market for their products, they are likely to be confident in producing new and v ariable products. Also, security in the market allows for the dedication of time and concern to such ventures as improvement of technology and reduction of expense (van Tassel, 2001). The interaction of consumers, manufacturers, standard-setting committees and sometimes the government is responsible for the ultimate adoption of standards, and several models for such action exist. Adoption of standards under de facto condition involves sponsorship by these technology companies, and it is these that are mainly determining of the fate or direction of the companies. However, adoption through industry consensus is possible and may also affect the companies' future. Especially in the case of de facto standards, several models exist for adoption proceedings, and examples for each exist empirically in the actions of several real companies around the world (Stango, 2004). Technological innovation has, as mentioned earlier, much to do with the establishment of standards. Since standards can determine the direction (or even survival) of technology companies, it can be seen then that innovation is a very important part of the life of any such company. Backward-compatible software gave RCA the edge in the CBS v RCA bid for the adoption of their version of the colored television set as the network standard in the United States. RCA was the official distributor of the standard black-and-white television sets in the country, but alongside the incumbent, the CBS network had been developing a mechanical colored television (Shapiro & Varian, 1999). RCA was much slower in its development of an electronic colored televisio

Friday, August 23, 2019

Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Intelligence - Essay Example Others grow due to a particular issue like lack of social amenities in a specific town or area in this regard the best way to handle this is by solving first the complaints then the cracking of this group will be easier. The factors that make the non-state actors be handling within a particular border depend most on the cause of origin. If is a significant issue that is more deeper like race, religion or even gender then this can cut across borders but if is the provision of resources such as water and food then this is easily handled. The reason why it is good to tackle the main issue is that if the cause of grievance is not understood and the government handles the symptoms then it will only act as a catalyst (Huffman 2014). ii) The reason why the non-state actors have grown is also because the world has become interconnected where different regions or countries heavily depend on each other and through this trade will grow and people will interact and the moment they build relationships they will start sharing their ideologies. In the traditional manner countries independently solved their own actions and did not really depend on anything or anyone (Harris 2013). The example of a Non-state Actor is a group like ISIS where the terror group has infiltrated different countries and to understand their cause they are brought together by the belief. Religion is Key for them and this will not only affect one country but everyone who believes in the said religion. It is good to note that when the issue is more of a mental state then it cuts across borders. Another issue that has made it difficult to tame one non state actor is the technology. With the rise of electronic communication people between different continents can share their agenda and make it easy for them to progress their beliefs. They can always interact on day to day making it easier to plan their next issue of chaos and this

Thursday, August 22, 2019

London Metropolitan Police Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

London Metropolitan Police - Essay Example Since then, many police agencies with the same mission continued to develop in the United Kingdom. Organization of the London Metropolitan Police The London police force members were known as Bobbies led by two magistrates who later acquired the titles of commissioners. Bobbies underwent many challenges including corruption emanating from the influence of wealthy men - a vice that contributed to the failure in combating crime. As a result, the metropolitan police administrators worked so hard to overcome the Bobbies’ misdeeds which led to loss of jobs for the corrupt Bobbies. The administrators were then authorized to form domestic police forces by another act of parliament that made every district and county in England to form its own police force (Siegel, 1994) Sir Robert operated on several principles which should guide the police force in their work. First, the mission was to end crime and disorder as a relief to the criminals that underwent extensive punishment; same for the legal authorities and military police. The police were required to attend to their duties as expected by the public as well as respect them. In maintaining respect, the police were required to cooperate with the public in abiding by the law. ... To actualize the slogan that the police are the public and the public are the police, the police were urged to maintain good relations with the public at all times. The police were not allowed to abuse powers of the judiciary by committing extra judicial crimes such as judging the accused in an authoritative manner. The police were recommended on the basis of reduced or no cases of crime and disorder in the society and how they generally dealt with crime (Kasper, 2010). Later, the most significant law enforcers known as sheriffs were established. They were involved in peacekeeping activities, collecting taxes, overseeing elections and dealing with other legal businesses in the country. Today, the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is charged with the responsibility of organizing and dealing with counter terrorism matters as well as protecting the British Loyal Family and senior figures of Her Majesty’s Government. The MPS is headed by the Commissioner of Police of the metropoli s, known as the Commissioner which is divided into numerous Borough Operational Command Units .The police areas are headed by the metropolitan district (MPD). The MPS is headed by the Commander, Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and Commissioner in order of ranking. The body is also organized into territorial policing, specialist crime directorate, specialist operations, central operations, administration, and support, each headed by An Assistant Commissioner to perform different functions (Loftins,1982). Entry Requirements Key to the performance of the police include: law and order enforcement, prevention of crime and provision of safety to the public. This goal is unachievable if the relationship between the police and

No Time to Think Essay Example for Free

No Time to Think Essay This week we were asked to analyse the following papers and a TED Talk presentation reflecting on how the accelerating pace of life and the distractions/noise in form of new means of communication are affecting our concentration and vanishing our â€Å"sanctuary† where we can dedicate time for thoughtful reflections. * â€Å"No time to think: Reflections on information technology and contemplative scholarship†, David M. Levy. (2007) * â€Å"Speed and the Unsettling of Knowledge in the Digital University†, Ray Land, (2011). TED Talk â€Å"5 ways to listen better†, Julian Treasure, (2011) Distractions serve anything but the knowledge It is true that today’s digitisation and networking tools speed up the pace of our communicative exchanges. In the other hand, these increasingly attractive tools are stealing our time and helping to distract us. These distractions serve anything but the knowledge because seriously limit our ability to focus and attention (and hence learning). Nowadays many people believe that reading an entire book is less attractive than commenting on their friends photos on Facebook or, open multiple tabs in a browser and quickly discover everything that is happening. It is precisely the possibility to access an incredible amount of information through the current digital technologies and encounter endless possibilities of knowledge that challenges our inability to build mental representations. Given the monumental supply of information obtained through the mass media, especially the Internet, the individual focuses his attention by very few moments in the data exposed on computer screens as they navigate through new links. However, the quality of these connections often contrasts with the amount of information, which are hardly assimilated because there is no time or effort to establish relations between concepts and thus, creating new meanings. As a result, individuals have habitual concentration difficulties, especially when connect with other people and at the same time read information in various news sites. It is not by chance the use of terms such as connect, Liked† and off to describe relationships between people. It is as if the email’s boxes or the tweets call us all the time so that messages must be read and answered immediately. The schools adopting the digital education model have already evidenced these concentration problems. The use of new technologies in the classroom econfigures everyday identities of their teachers and students and thus, their own teaching practice in the presence of the students’ limitless access to information through the Internet. I believe that the teachers, as the digital immigrants, and students, as the digital natives, are overwhelmed with the emancipatory potential of the Internet that in somehow they are experiencing a sense of loss as pointed out Ray Land: â₠¬Å"Paradoxically this may be experienced as a sense of loss as an earlier, more secure stance of familiar knowing has to be abandoned as new and unfamiliar knowledge is encountered†. The temporary downside of this digital turn is a viral pact of mediocrity, through which teachers and students pretend to teach and learn, to the extent that the contents of academic papers are copied and pasted in the text with less and less reasoning being developed. New teachers adapted to this modus operandi disregard ethical issues and do not refute the information that the student presents through consultation online. Improving concentration in the digital environment Considering the above scenario, I believe that we need to re-think our strategy to overcome distraction and increase our capacity to learn in digital environments. As David M. Levy mentioned: â€Å"It might well be possible to begin to explore different modes of thinking – routine and creative modes, as well as obsessive mind chatter – not only to develop more nuanced and refined understandings of these processes but to understand how to encourage or discourage them†. The starting point could be the understanding of the mechanisms of human attention, decode how it works and even how to develop it. I personally think that concentration is not innate to the human being, but a skill that can be taught throughout life and can always be improved. Recently I read an intriguing book called â€Å"The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force† (Jeffrey M. Schwartz and Sharon Begley, 2003) about the brain plasticity, which is the neurons’ ability to redistribute according to need and training. The conclusions regarding the brains ability to rewire itself and the idea that meditation may be driving neuroplastic changes are quite inspiring in the book. For J. Schwartz and S. Begley, the best way to ensure attention is to choose challenging activities. If the task is so hard that we almost cannot do it, will certainly require more focus. However, it is not always clear that we like or feel challenged by everything that we need to do. Sometimes the work is simply annoying, but still needs to be done. In these cases, the trick is to turn it into a kind of game, focusing on one phase at a time. Overcome steps, one by one, can leave the whole process more attractive. Something like the â€Å"gamification† strategies, i. e. points and titles that some programs or applications give each task is accomplished. Being totally concentrated has to do with the state of â€Å"flow† discussed in the week 4 of the IDLE course. The psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi tried to understand the phenomenon by calculating the amount of information that our neural networks are capable of absorbing. He reached a number: only 110bps (bits per second). Listening to someone talking, for example, requires the processing of 40bps. That means, there are 70bps left in to use for distractions around. So we can scribble on paper or think in others to-dos while listening to the conversation. Using the 110bps in an activity would be the equivalent of what Csikszentmihalyi calls flow† that state of absolute concentration that makes us not even notice the time passing. Finally, the schools should debate more about the negative effects of distraction, the importance of the â€Å"white space† (or the sanctuary as we call at IDLE, the creation of physical spaces or times on the calendar for uninterrupted, unwired thinking and connection) and encourage students to apply basic practices to promote personal â€Å"white space†. These practices include: create a student routine, make lists with the priorities of the day, learn to organize time and to collect relevant study materials, learn to book time to solve everything else outside of the studies (a good way to fend off distractions is to take them out of our heads) and learn to absorb and to reflect on what has been collected.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The story written by mr pip

The story written by mr pip Her voice is unique and consistent in this regard. The theme of wordplay presented in the story reflects the quality of his writing. Matilda and the other children get the lists of a new vocabulary from Charles Dickenss work through this exercise they begin to understand the importance of choosing the right word for right time. Matilda, however, has to struggle with the this activity of choosing the right words on right occasions. Somehow she manages to translate the great lessons of her life into language understandable to all. It also gives us an insight into Mr Pips journey with her. It is a riveting story with the impeccably narrated story of a young girl who has buried herself under the world of a book. In her realm, things appear to make sense while her surroundings are tainted with uncertainties of life. Several themes emerge in Lloyd Jones Mister Pip. The most important one is of the conflict between old and new Interwoven in his lectures on Great Expectations by the natives of the island. These speeches are in the ancient world, which strengthens the traditional belief in shadow. The inscription on Mister Pip reads migrate to sign. It is awarded to Umberto Eco. Characters in the story migrate both literally and metaphorically. Pip moves beyond the boundaries of Great Expectations in the consciousness developed Matilda, Matilda, and Mr. Watts, but literally from one place to another. This type of exposure to other perspectives creates the blockade of the communication that was dominant among the people of Bougainville during the civil war. This exchange of information through a common social consciousness throughout the world educates in a way that was previously prohibited, but it is absolutely necessary for the survival of the people. Throughout the novel we see the theme of reading for escape. Consider the following quotes 23-35: Mr. Watts gave us a different world, children spend the night we could escape to another place (23). I think Mr. Watts enjoyed the recitation When she spoke, he was the voice is another thing that impressed us For the time he read, had a way of Mr. Wattss absent and we forgot about him (24). We had no books. We had our heads and we have had our memories, and to Mr. Watts, thats everything we needed (27). What I did not know at the time was, we were all children of the Great Expectations payments back to our families (32). They did not want me to go further into that other world. She was afraid she would lose her Matilda in Victorian England (35). The people of Bougainville are educated in many ways. Mr. Watts teaches children the great expectations, but also the village elders come to school to share their wisdom. Finally, Mr. Watts joins the education of children with the Dickens novel and traditional beliefs of the community in an oral history rather than on many nights, with which he tries, the rebels who have infiltrated their village alone. The residents are not immune to disasters, but education is inextricably tied to their fate. HG Wells statement that has the history, more and more a race to education on the one hand, and the catastrophe of the other, should be included in todays world, in which the disaster, it was a genocide or a nuclear bomb, slightly the time it takes to educate all. If the fate of Matilda Laimo proves nothing beats Lloyd Jones, that education be more likely to survive a road to disaster as a means to prevent it. Dickens comes to Bougainville Lloyd Jones to add colors to the brilliant new novel of Mister Pip. How do you want to exist in the history of power and formative influence of literature? Mister Pips blurb says that the novel is a love song to the power of imagination and storytelling. It shows how books can change lives. In the civil war in Bougainville in early 1990, regular school attendance of children is destroyed in the village. The elderly eccentric Mr. Watts, the last white man in the region, is committed to the master. Their classes consist of reading Great Expectations by Charles Dickens for children. They become government troops (disparaged as Redskins), and local boys who are armed rebels (known as Rambo) through the village, and the results sometimes are frightening or terrible. But Mr. Watts bed. And still, children are affected and begin to take on new imaginative possibility for their lives. It covers the status of the orphan Pip in Dickens and the theme of dislocation from home. You begin to see how Joe Gargery, Miss Havisham and Mr. Jaggers in relation to their own culture. The story is well presented, as it must seem like glib and simplistic fable of a flap text. At this point we should not fail to notice quite carefully that the white men bring awareness to the minds of young locals. Is it not a smattering of intellectual imperialism? The answer to both questions is that Lloyd Jones is many steps ahead. Far from simple, his narrative canvasses a number of issues in the context of its general approval of the imagination of the literature. At various times, opportunities arise in literature offering a great escape more easily, or can promote a distorted image of reality, or can even be downright dangerous if taken literally. (The soldiers are angry and take revenge, if they do not find what to talk Mister Pip children.) What are the cultural issues of Imperialism? The novel implicitly depicts the white man burden. The atheist white man, Mr. Watts fears verbally spars with a local mother of God. He usually gets the best in their field who come through a kind of secular missionaries among the unenlightened lot. Then the action reaches its climax terrible (kind auditors be taken to mark), and we are forced to reassess our judgments about these two new characters. Aboriginal values are stronger and more significant than first thought the fight, and indigenous peoples are not imposed on passive recipients of culture, no matter how attractive can be the Western literature. Jones difficult bet is the simplest sound. How Great Expectations, the novel is in first person by an adult says looking back to a long life or at least someone in their mid-twenties, looking back on events that began when she was 14 Matilda is the daughter of Mr. Watts sparring partner. So how dare adopt a white man with the mask of a black female novelist narrator? This could be the signal for the type of computer to be long brouhaha with Confessions of Nat Turner William Styron. The mask slips sometimes. But his relations with listless horrors of civil war, his quiz from the outside world and its sad admission that all the cultural influences have their limits, Matildas voice the perfect vehicle for the key issues of Jones. This is a brilliant narrative performance and not half as easy as it first seems.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

An MBA Graduate Defined Essay -- essays research papers

An MBA Graduate Defined An MBA is a degree awarded to individuals who complete required coursework in the field of Management Science. The MBA title stands for Master of Business Administration and implies that the person holding the degree is qualified to hold a position in senior management within a firm. An MBA manager is similar to the captain of a ship. He is responsible for making decisions and plans about the firm and for controlling the firm’s employees. The goal of an MBA manager is to maximise the firm’s value through the use of the firm’s tangible and intangible assets. He maximises this value by obtaining the highest Profits possible. In the following discussion, I will examine how senior management in general and MBA graduates in particular can use the field of Managerial Accounting to make decisions/plan and control employees in order to maximise Profits. For clarity throughout this essay, senior managers and MBA graduates should be considered as one in the same. Managerial Accounting Defined Managerial Accounting is the process of using information systems to provide data to senior managers who then use this data for decision-making/planning and monitoring employee performance in order to maximise profits. The data that senior managers use is supplied by the Financial Accounting function. This information is used to improve the performance of the Marketing function, which generally provides the Revenue of the firm and the Operations function, which generally incurs most operating costs. Marketing and Operations are thus the functional areas which an MBA graduate is generally concerned. Managerial Accounting is vital to a business’s success because it quantifies a firm’s performance. By quantifying certain performance variables, senior management can carry out its two most important functions: 1) Decision-Making/Planning and 2) Controlling Employee Behaviour. The Theory of the Firm tells us that a business exists to maximise the value of equity investors have supplied. Profits result from decisions about what items to produce and sell (Marketing) and planning what inputs are necessary for this production and distribution activity (Operations). Value maximisation results from maximising Revenue and minimising Total Costs. In business, resources are always limited or finite. Therefore, they must be employed in the most economical and produc... ... Statement. Suppose senior management has noticed a decrease in profits for the lemon-lime soda the firm produces. By examining the Financial Accounting data they have found an unexpected increase in the cost of lime flavoring that is used because a supplier of the product has gone out of business. Here, an MBA manager must make a decision about alternative sources available for the flavoring input and as always look to buy it at a lower price. Once again, Financial Accounting data (cost information from the Income Statement) has been used by senior managers to solve a planning/decision-making problem within the Operations function. Summary In conclusion, Managerial Accounting is process MBA graduate managers can use to gain insight into planning/decision-making and employee control. The process involves examining Financial Accounting data and then applying that information to maximize Profits through the Marketing and Operations functions. Specifically, maximizing Revenue in Marketing and minimizing Costs Operationally. Managerial Accounting is scientific in its approach rather than intuitive and should be used by MBA graduates interested in maximizing the value of their firm.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Wired Politics :: Internet Web Cyberspace Essays

The Internet is a unique global communications medium used today by billions of people all over the world. It is the same observation of Steve Case, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of America Online as reported in the article titled AOL Chairman: Web Shapes Politics, by Eun-Kyung Kim, an associated press writer for the Los Angeles Times. Steve Case stated that the Internet plays the role of a catalyst for real social and political change in a worldwide scale. One of its great strengths is the ease with which it spans the globe. Information flows as effortlessly from Washington to Russia as from one building to another in New York, and through five or more countries all in one day. No one can imagine that five years ago, the World Wide Web barely existed and that e was just the fifth letter of the alphabet. Case predicted that the times have changed and that the next U.S. president will launch the Internet Century and that it is the presidents job to make sure the era helps make lives better around the world. Case emphasized the importance of reinventing the governments policies on issues affected by a newly connected nation. Free expression on the Internet, if protected and maintained, enhances democracy, culture and economy not just in the United States but also in a global scale. The Internet is a democratizing medium, uniquely suited to the promotion of human rights, but threatened by governmental restrictions. These observations by Steve Case can be compared to Jon Katz article, The Netizen: Birth of a Digital Nation, where they both shared the same opinion on the issue concerning the publics right to know about information collected, disseminated and maintained by the government in order to increase public accountability and awareness. Unfortunately, in the United States, domestic policies have not been fully supportive of these rights. The US Congress has enacted censorship legislation attempting to control the content on the Internet and limit the freedom of communication through the Communications Decency Act of 1996. Fortunately for the new digital nation, these laws have been ruled unconstitutional by the courts yet members of Congress continue to press other restrictive measures and proposals. Both Case and Katz believe that government-mandated use o f blocking and filtering can restrict freedom of expression and limit access to information. Katz emphasized freedom on the Internet more than anything on his article.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Tragic Redemption of King Lear Essay -- King Lear essays

The Tragic Redemption of King Lear Shakespeare's ultimate Tragedy, King Lear, is indeed a dark and soul-harrowing play. The tragic madness of King Lear, and of the subsequent turmoil that follows from it, is all the more terrible for the king's inability to cope with the loss of his mind, his family, and his pride. This descent into horror culminates at the tragic conclusion, where both the innocent and the guilty die for other's mistakes and lack of judgment. And yet, as bleak and grim as the final scene is, all is not lost is misery. Many have died, and those that remain - the new generation - believe that "The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/Shall never see so much, nor live so long." (V.iii.326), understanding that a great age has passed, and that they must now pick up the pieces and try to continue on. However, among the death and despair, their have been powerful instances of change and transformation. Though the ending of King Lear is, indeed, grim and terrible, and King Lear himself dies miserable and in agony, their nevertheless remains a message of hope; among all the death, there are clear signs of redemption[1]. This redemption is integral to the story of King Lear, though Lear is not the only one to undergo this process. Indeed, many of the main characters, from Edmund to Gloucester to Cordelia are transformed in the end; it is the tragedy of the play that they do not survive their redemption. However, to understand their change, it is important to know from whence they came, and what caused them, what forced them, to submit to this painful and bitter process. The impetus is, of course, the gradually escalating madness of the king. One can not clearly state that King... ...ty. Still firmly in the grips of madness, grasping at the faint hopes that Cordelia still lives, he must still feel the death and torment that surrounds him. He may die a better man, a redeemed man, but he dies an unhappy one. Works Cited Aggeler, Geoffrey. "'Good Pity' in King Lear: the Progress of Edgar." Neophilologus 77 (1993): 321-331. Kermode, Frank. "King Lear." The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G.B.Evans. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1974. 1249-54. Muir, Kenneth, ed. King Lear. London: Methuen & Co, 1972 Partee, Morriss Henry. "Edgar and the Ending of King Lear." Studia Neophilologica 63 (1991): 175-180. Notes: 1. It was Bradley who suggested that the play be called "The Redemption of King Lear. (Muir, 1iii) [1]It was Bradley who suggested that the play be called "The Redemption of King Lear. (Muir, 1iii) Tragic Redemption of King Lear Essay -- King Lear essays The Tragic Redemption of King Lear Shakespeare's ultimate Tragedy, King Lear, is indeed a dark and soul-harrowing play. The tragic madness of King Lear, and of the subsequent turmoil that follows from it, is all the more terrible for the king's inability to cope with the loss of his mind, his family, and his pride. This descent into horror culminates at the tragic conclusion, where both the innocent and the guilty die for other's mistakes and lack of judgment. And yet, as bleak and grim as the final scene is, all is not lost is misery. Many have died, and those that remain - the new generation - believe that "The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/Shall never see so much, nor live so long." (V.iii.326), understanding that a great age has passed, and that they must now pick up the pieces and try to continue on. However, among the death and despair, their have been powerful instances of change and transformation. Though the ending of King Lear is, indeed, grim and terrible, and King Lear himself dies miserable and in agony, their nevertheless remains a message of hope; among all the death, there are clear signs of redemption[1]. This redemption is integral to the story of King Lear, though Lear is not the only one to undergo this process. Indeed, many of the main characters, from Edmund to Gloucester to Cordelia are transformed in the end; it is the tragedy of the play that they do not survive their redemption. However, to understand their change, it is important to know from whence they came, and what caused them, what forced them, to submit to this painful and bitter process. The impetus is, of course, the gradually escalating madness of the king. One can not clearly state that King... ...ty. Still firmly in the grips of madness, grasping at the faint hopes that Cordelia still lives, he must still feel the death and torment that surrounds him. He may die a better man, a redeemed man, but he dies an unhappy one. Works Cited Aggeler, Geoffrey. "'Good Pity' in King Lear: the Progress of Edgar." Neophilologus 77 (1993): 321-331. Kermode, Frank. "King Lear." The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G.B.Evans. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1974. 1249-54. Muir, Kenneth, ed. King Lear. London: Methuen & Co, 1972 Partee, Morriss Henry. "Edgar and the Ending of King Lear." Studia Neophilologica 63 (1991): 175-180. Notes: 1. It was Bradley who suggested that the play be called "The Redemption of King Lear. (Muir, 1iii) [1]It was Bradley who suggested that the play be called "The Redemption of King Lear. (Muir, 1iii)

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Difference between Nominal GDP and Real GDP

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country is the value in the market of all goods and services produced in a certain area or a certain country within a certain period of time (Investopedia. com). It is usually used to measure the size of the country’s economy. However, there are other aspects that should be considered in the measurement of the country’s GDP. This is where the Nominal and Real GDP comes in. The Nominal GDP is gross domestic product in that year’s prices ( example, the GDP of 2006 is dependent on the value of the dollar in 2006. It is not affected by other factors like inflation rates and others that would tend to decrease the actual GDP. Nominal GDP on the other hand, may increase due to the increased output of an economy, or when the prices in that economy have also increased. However, Nominal GDP may not be that useful as a gauge of the country’s production, since it is not affected by the actuality of the curren t inflation rates.Because of this, the Real GDP is a much preferred measure. The Real Gross Domestic Product on the other hand, is defined as the number that results from computing all the productive activity within the country depending on that certain year’s prices (FX Words). But when what is being valued is the economic activity of more than one period of time, and then the purchasing power will be computed and compared.Because of this, the effects of the inflation at that year should be removed by maintaining constant prices. This usually lowers the computed GDP value instead of increasing it like the effect in Nominal GDP. It is the nominal GDP stated in the base-year level of price, wherein it is the nominal GDP of a certain year adjusted for inflation. The Real GDP is being expressed as a percentage.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Learning Team Deliverable Week

Walter and Traction. The customers and subscribers of the internet and cell phone service started sharing information with each other and decide to file a class action suit against Walter and Traction. Class Action Fairness Act (CAFE) is at the national level of Tort reform legislation. This type of legislation must consist of 1 00 members and citizen from various states. â€Å"Intentional tort disparagement is the publishing of a false statement of a material fact about a business's product or service† (Subtask, Browne,Heron, Geometry-Meyer, Barracks, Doge, & Williamson, 2012). Suggestion to President/Owner—-Divvies Hernandez Even though what Traction is doing is not illegal and I'm sure was clearly stated in the customer agreement that was signed by the customer its sometimes best to settle than to waist money and take your chances on someone else deciding whether the company should be help legally responsible. The owner or whomever is making the decisions should deci de on what the person or group of people are trying to get out of this case is worth settling on.If the complaint is that they weren't given what they thought they were given than the company may want to give them what they expected for the time period that the service was paid for. With prepay payment is usually made one month at a time so the company may want to give them a free month with the expectations they had with their service and clearly state what the future agreement will be after the settlement has been taken care of. The company will than need to change advertising and contract agreements disclosure to make sure this is prevented in the future.

Emily Murphy

Power and Influence Report – Emily Murphy To be a powerful and influential individual is to be able to convince others of a certain idea in order to get what one desires. Emily Murphy was born on March 14th 1868; she was the third child in a family of eight. Throughout her living years she accomplished things that are still to this day well recognized by the country and the British Empire all together. Her many leadership qualities led her to great success with her career and with marking Canadian history.Emily Murphy was a personality of power and influence. Women had very few rights in the early 1900s, none including political rights. They were expected to get married and have children, becoming the property of their husband. Women were not considered persons at this time; Emily Murphy had a great part in changing that. She first came up with the idea of the Dower Act. This would allow women legal rights to one third of their husband’s property. In 1916, the Alberta l egislature accepted to pass the act.She believed women should try other women in court so she sent a request for a female magistrate in the women’s court. This led her into becoming the first woman police magistrate of the British Empire. She later launched and won the â€Å"person’s case† in order to make women considered â€Å"persons† under the British North America Act of 1867. As a result, women would be qualified to sit and serve in the senate; Emily Murphy was named honorary senate after all her accomplishments regarding women’s rights.A powerful and influential individual is usually so because of the leadership traits that he or she possesses. Emily Murphy proved she was persuasive when she successfully convinced the Alberta legislature to pass the Dower act and when she influenced her request for a female magistrate in the women’s court. Murphy accomplished a lot in a short period of time because she was determined. She was also dil igent and hard working as nothing could stop her from reaching her goal of making women legally known as persons.She was capable of influencing and inspiring large numbers of people as she affected every Canadian woman’s life since the success of the person’s case. Combined, Emily Murphy’s leadership traits led her into being one of the most powerful and influential women in Canadian history. Emily Murphy was a character of great influence. Her many accomplishments and achievements will forever impact Canadian citizens. Her leadership traits led her well into reaching goals that affected positively the lives of many. Emily Murphy is an inspirational woman and truly someone to look up to.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Short Term Preparation Refers to the Period Prior

) Short Term Preparation Refers to the Period Prior to a Competitive Performance Using the Headings Physiological, Psychological and Technical. Outline the Strategies and Considerations Elite Athletes Take Into Account By Abscissa PEE Essay Question IQ) Short term preparation refers to the period prior to a competitive performance using the headings physiological, psychological and technical. Outline the strategies and considerations elite athletes take into account in their short term preparation for global games. Marks) Prior to an event/performance an athlete will need to do an effective warm-up, this will increase the athletes heart rate, increases the temperature of muscles to an optimum level this will reduce the risk of injury. The four stages of an effective warm up are gross motor activity e. G. Jogging, stretching e. G. PEN, dynamic stretching. Also there is sports specific exercise and skills e. G. Passing drills this is done for the opening of neural pathways and the prep aration of firing patterns.Closer to a major event and elite athlete should taper there training this is done so that the athlete is able to rest their body in order to perform at their optimum level during events, however all training should not be stopped during this period technique and skill training can be done. An athlete should also monitor their sleep pattern to get enough sleep in-between training and their events e. G. The British swim team were on different sleeping patterns during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.A factor the athlete should consider is the new form of Carr- loading however this should only be used if the athlete is participating in a endurance event, if the athlete is a power athlete they may use creative supplements o increase their PC stores as they will be using the TAP-PC system during their event. Another factor the athlete should consider in their diet is hydration, the athlete should take isotonic fluid before and during the event/ training and t ake hypersonic fluids after the event/training this is so that the athlete is able to replenish ions such as Ca+ and An+ lost thorough sweat.The athlete would also need to acclimates to the climate of the venue, if the climate is hot the athlete would need to adapt to these conditions, an example of when an athlete didn't acclimates and it lead to a or performance is Lenox Lewis didn't acclimates properly when he was fighting against Raman which lead to him losing. To reach an optimum level of arousal the athlete should use mental preparation techniques such as watching previous good performances.Drive theory that was developed by Cajon states that if an athlete's anxiety increases it will lead to their dominant performance to come out. For the athlete to reach their optimum level of arousal they can visit the venue and over aroused or they can listen to music that will psyche them up if they over roused, to get to their optimum level of arousal athletes could also use routine howev er this will be need to be perfected over a long period of time, An example of this is Joe Callaghan used the same routine before every fight and he remained unbeaten throughout his entire career.If it's a team in order to be working positively there must be good group cohesion and team spirit to get the entire team going to the same direction. To prepare for the opposition the athlete should watch tapes of the opposition from this an athlete will be able to highlight the opposition strengths ND weaknesses, technology such as Prone can be used to analyses opposition and work out playing patterns and ways to play against them. Also athletes can use Dwarfish to perfect there technique.For technical preparation the athlete must check that the equipment that they are using is suitable for the playing surface and climate also they should use taping and strapping to prevent injuries. Also recovering aids can be used e. G. The Australian Team used Ice Vests in the 2000 Olympic Games in Syd ney as they climate there was very hot the ice vests would cool the athletes down. Also hypoxia chambers can be used e. G. The England Football team had built in hypoxia tents in there hotel rooms before World Cup 2010 in South Africa.The athlete should also use holding camps this will help them prepare for the competition as is would get them away from friends, family and media if would allow them to use world class facilities with world class coaching. Also coaches can monitor everything that athletes do within the holding camps, an example of when a holding camp was used was before the World Cup 2010 in South Africa the England squad used Restrung as their holding camp.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Economies of scale and diminishing returns Essay

In Business Economics, the short run is defined as the concept that within a certain period of time, in the future, at least one input is fixed while others are variable and the long run is defined as a period of time in which all factors of production and costs are variable. The law of diminishing returns is a short run concept, which states that increasing successive units of a variable factor to a fixed factor will increase output but eventually the addition to output will start to slow down and would eventually become negative. This is because if capital is fixed, extra labour will eventually get in each other’s way as they attempt to increase production. E.g. think about the effectiveness of extra employees in a factory that’s maximum workers is 100. If the firm employs 150 workers, then the productivity will eventually decrease, as they will get in each other’s way etc. However, this law only applies in the short-term, as in the long run, all factors are va riable. As you can see from the graph above, the average fixed cost (AFC) curve falls as output increases due to the fact that fixed costs are a decreasing proportion of total cost as output increases. Both the average total cost (ATC) and the average variable cost (AVC) curves fall, and then rise again. The curves start to rise after a certain point because diminishing return takes place. The distance on the y-axis between the ATC and the AVC represents the value of the average fixed cost (AFC). Just like the average variable cost and average total cost curves demonstrate, the marginal cost also falls, and eventually rises again as diminishing marginal returns take place. Economies of scale, however, refer to the advantages that arise from large-scale production, which in turn results in a lower average unit cost (cost per unit). It explains the relationship between the long run average costs of producing a unit of good with increasing level of output. Unlike  diminishing returns, economies of scale is a process that operates and is caused by a development over a long period of time. Economies of scale also have many sources whereas diminishing returns is the relationship between output and only one input of production.There are two different forms of economies of scale that could occur in a firm. The first is internal economies of scale. This refers to the advantages that are caused as a result of the expanding and growth of a firm/business. Internal economies of scale can be additionally categorized into commercial, managerial, financial and technical economies of scale. Commercial economies of scale arise from the purchase of raw materials and the sale of finished goods. When the firm’s output increases, they order larger quantities of the raw materials (bulk buying) and therefore these raw material firms favour these businesses, and offer lower prices due to their ordering of higher quantities. Managerial economies of scale is a process that follows the principle of the division of labour and creates specialization due to the firm’s ability to employ specialized employees, and this causes an increase in production efficiency. A financial economy of scale is when a large firm benefits by getting better credit facilities e.g. credit at cheaper rates, being able to negotiate better finance deals etc. Finally, a technical economy of scale arises due to large-scale production because there is a technical advantage in the use of large machinery in the production process. Technical economies of scale will most likely arise due to machinery being used in the production process, which are more efficient than human labour, and also require less maintenance, training and do not require payment. External economies of scale refers to the advantages firms/businesses can get as a result of the growth of the entire industry as a whole. Usually, the industry grows due to an improvement in a specific area of the industry, such as an increase in the local’s skill and training, and improving in the training facilities themselves, which causes an increase in the quality of training for the future employees or an increase in the foreign supply of labour with a higher skillset that before.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Motifs and Metaphors Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Motifs and Metaphors - Movie Review Example Percy Adlon presents his made up truck stop as a metaphor for the neglected hopes of those cast aside people by America, that whether by discrimination and financial and economic harsh times (pertaining to C.C.H. Pounder’s scathing Brenda) or by the times going on (Jack Palance as Rudi Coxx, the artist relic). One of the metaphors, the Boomerang also boosted the motif of the movie and it revolved around all characters of the movie; it suggests that what a person puts forth returns back to them that is, what you give, you get back such as the love which Jasmin transferred to and got back from Brenda, her family and everyone. The joy of giving and receiving is also depicted with the use of Boomerang (Maslin 1988). Another metaphor used in the movie was the thermos; it was the first sign of magic that is, in the film, perpetually full of coffee. This was a coffee maker or a thermos that Brenda’s husband left by the side of the road that further made its way into the motel, Bagdad Cafe. This was the reason which brought Jasmin into the motel and which provided everyone with a much induced idea to pick her up in. The use of magic tricks came into Jasmin’s mind when she found a magic set in Brenda’s messy office things and played with them which changed the life of Jasmin. These helped her to entertain the customers at the cafe and induce more sales and profits which lead eventually to a strong friendship between Jasmin and Brenda (Maslin 1988). The incremental progress of these motifs came with the thermos in the commencement of the film followed by the boomerang when Jasmin started spreading love and friendship with Brenda and everyone in the motel, the painting of Jasmin which Rudi Coxx wanted to paint all the time and finally the use of magic tricks which helped her win over the hearts of customers signing into the motel along with her modeling as well. To keep the movie in one flow and make it more realistic, interesting and a sort of comedy as well for the viewers, along with the motif, there was a transition shown over the major characters of the film to come up on the ending of the film. The transition of the major characters in the film is very encouraging and eye-catching. The first example of the connection of the motif with transition throughout the film was the change in the main protagonist in the film, Jasmin which depicted the biggest transition as she was keen in weathering her sorrows and difficulties which she faced after her husband left her and found happiness in little things around her. She was able to be happy herself and make others in the motel with her kind and industrious personality. The second main character, Brenda, was at the beginning of the film, a strict and hostile manager of the motel in which Jasmin entered as a foreigner and Brenda’s harsh attitude was in extreme with Jasmin due to her inability to speak proper English and the threat that she may exploit the culture of th e motel with that of Germany. But Brenda transformed eventually and she and Jasmin were bonded in a strong friendship. This applies to Brenda’s family as well including her children who started loving Jasmin. This also induced more customers line up into the motel and happiness spread into the then called ‘wasteland’. With the final transition of the Hollywood-set painter Rudi, Brenda’s father, daughter and all nearby friends in the film; this shows that the element of transition in the main characters of the

Monday, August 12, 2019

Capstone Project- Project Structure Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Capstone Project- Project Structure - Assignment Example Clear description of type of information dissemination, including details about the types of visual aids and verbal presentation or demonstration strategies to be used to interact with audience members ANY LATE SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTS WILL RECEIVE A MAXIMUM GRADE REDUCED TO 50% AS LATE PENALTIES. THE LATE PENALTIES MAY BE AVOIDED BY COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR COACHES VIA EMAIL. LATE PENALTIES ARE NOT APPLICABLE IF THE STUDENT HAS MADE PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS FOR LATE SUBMISSION WITH THE COACHES. You will use the chart to describe the structure of your Capstone Project. This is similar to the information that Continuing Education providers must submit to medical or licensing agencies to offer sanctioned, for-credit sessions for nurses and other medical personnel. You have already submitted your draft Outcomes and Content topics, so you will need to copy those to this assignment, making improvements or changes as necessary. For this assignment, you must also include at least three peer-reviewed article citations for each outcome (minimum total of nine references). You may include references that are not from peer-reviewed journals, but be judicious in their use, and do not include those in your count of required articles. Moore, N., Traluch, K., & Cooper, B. (2008). Comparison of obesity rates in the United States. Oklahoma Nurse, 51(6), 11. Retrieved from Describe each visual aid, handout, and/or verbal presentation/demonstration strategy that your information dissemination would include. You may use the same strategies for each outcome, or you may â€Å"mix and match,† but provide some outline-level details for each outcome. Here are some of the types of visual aids you might use: Record the amount of time needed for each activity or part of your presentation. Include time for Q&A at the end of the presentation. Time refers to the time to

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Business Plan - Essay Example That is the reason why the â€Å"Business Plan† report should contain some fundamental parameters like the overall market and the financial analysis of the business. In this particular case of opening franchise business a detailed company summery and ownership structure is also needed to be included. This is because the strength and weaknesses of the original company is being reflected in the respective franchise. The basic marketing strategy and product offering remains same throughout all the franchises. Here in this particular case a franchise is being opened in an international location. Thus a detailed market analysis of the company is required prior to any financial assumptions. This business plan will distinctly contain three sections. The first section will contain the company background (PinkBerry), the second section will give an overview of the general marketing strategy of PinkBerry and the third section will give an estimate of the financial estimates of the propo sed franchise. The Company started its operation in the year 2005 and it has originated mainly from the two cities of Los Angeles and New York and within five years of their operation the company PinkBerry has successfully established its leadership in the frozen yogurt segment. (â€Å"The leading, enduring, frozen yogurt brand for franchising†, 2009). Operating in a very concentrated segment the company has concentrated more on developing a cult-like following in its customer base. Though the company has originated locally, its prime focus is to expand both in the local and the global market simultaneously. Its local growth had hit a landmark as PinkBerry opened its first airport store in the month of September of the year 2009. (â€Å"The leading, enduring, frozen yogurt brand for franchising†, 2009) The other local expansion plans are going on in Northern California, Texas, Washington D.C and Florida. (â€Å"The leading, enduring, frozen yogurt brand for

The Impact of Global Warming on Agriculture in USA Research Paper

The Impact of Global Warming on Agriculture in USA - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that many aquatic species therefore migrate to colder waters or move northwards along the coast or in the ocean. Apart from reducing the annual catch, this migration that is facilitated by global warming also sees the migrating fish moving into competition for food and other resources on the new areas which have already been inhabited. Moreover, in warm waters, diseases of aquatic species such as fish become more prevalent. In Southern New England, for example, lobster catches have dramatically declined as a result of temperature sensitive bacterial shell disease. These changes in the temperature also impact the timing of reproduction and fish migrations. In the Northwest, warmer temperatures have affected the lifecycle of salmon and also increased the likelihood of aquatic diseases. These effects are further forecasted to cause untold declines in salmon populations. This paper makes a conclusion that global warming is additionally responsible for the increased incidences of sea level rises that have been so widespread along the coasts of the United States especially in the last two decades. These increased sea levels have been a doing of the melting of the glaciers and increased precipitation rates all around America as a result of global warming. Increase in sea levels as a result of global warming has resulted in the consumption of land previously allocated to agricultural work.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Do you consider that the 13th Company Law Directive is the right Essay

Do you consider that the 13th Company Law Directive is the right instrument to achieve an effective pan-European market for corporate control and to facilitate cross-border takeovers - Essay Example The Commission perceived that the Directive on takeovers was necessary for pan-European corporate control via the reconstruction of common rules and procedures applicable to the single market and minority shareholder protection in takeovers.4 It has been a long standing goal of the EC to harmonize company laws among the Member States, an area of EC law plagued by diversity.5 The question for consideration, is whether or not the 13th Company Law Directive is able to contribute to achieving this goal and thereby serve as the right instrument for pan-European market for corporate control and at the same time facilitate cross-border takeovers. It will be argued that the 13th Company Law Directive does not live up to its mandate since it fails to provide for harmonization of anti-takeover defenses by allowing Member States to opt out.6 Other residual threats to harmonization and by extension, threats to a pan-European market for corporate control, and the facilitation of cross-border takeovers will be explored. Article 8 of EC Directive 2004/24/EC presents an obvious problem for pan-European corporate control and the facilitation of takeovers. Article 8 provides that Member States are required to regulate that the targeted company’s board: â€Å"†¦at the latest after receiving the information (on an unsolicited bid) and until the bid is made public or the bid lapses, †¦should abstain from completing any action other than seeking alternative bids which may result in the frustration of the offer, and notably from issuing any shares which may result in a lasting impediment to the offer or to obtain control over the offeree company, unless it has the prior authorization of the general meeting of shareholders given for this purpose, during the period of acceptance of the bid.†7 It is important to note that from a transborder perspective, Article 8 is fraught with difficulties since it